
July 10, 2012 § 10 Comments

Hi friends. It’s happened. I’ve become a husband. On June 23rd, 2012, I married my best friend Amy in Bristol, RI. With the exception of a very brief shower, we had perfect weather and everything went off without a hitch.

Impossible Project film has been part of this journey since the beginning, from my proposal, which incorporated Impossible film (read the blog post about it HERE) to our Save The Dates (read that blog post HERE), so of course Impossible film had to play a role at the wedding too. I borrowed some Polaroid 600 cameras from work and Impossible’s founder Doc and my manager Anne donated some film, which was incredibly generous.

The cameras and film were a huge hit, as guests passed them around and snapped with abandon. I had a huge stack of prints when the night was through and it took me a while to finish scanning them but here they are. It’s hard to capture exactly how fantastic the day was in photos, but I think these do a pretty good job.


Thanks to everyone who came, thanks to everyone who took photos throughout the night, including friends Liz, Charlotte and George, thanks to my friends and teammates at the Impossible Project and thanks to Amy for choosing me.

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